Technological innovation and design: how Idral will face this new year full of challenges



technological innovation and design taps

The situation of these last years, from 2020 to today, led us all to experience new challenges never faced before due to the worldwide spread of the coronavirus, which made us rethink and change our way of life and work.
After the business slowdown of 2020, in 2021 we saw a steady growth of requests for goods both in Italy and abroad which generated a disproportionate increase in the cost of raw materials and major problems in procurement. Another issue that we have to address is the cost of energy, which will affect heavily the production costs.
With all these new threats, companies like Idral must react quickly and effectively; it is precisely in moments like these, in fact, when our investments in new technologies and the innovation in our manufacturing chain allow us to be more agile and flexible and to overcome these sudden changes.
Despite the critical issues related to procurement and the increase in the costs of raw materials and components, Idral shows that it is up to the challenges of this historical moment, being able to look beyond and not just “ahead”, thanks to the long-term investment in digitalization and to the flexibility of the production system. Idral is in a continuous process of implementation of the 4.0 industry, improving the operational system with process optimizations, introducing new technologies and new products, with even better performance and design. Furthermore, we are in the final phase of the LEAN Manufacturing implementation that allows us to be even more efficient.
Design is an element that we are developing also for technological products like ours: with the new Idral catalog, in fact, we launch the new electronic tap “OTTO”, with extremely refined aesthetics and the possibility of unique customizations. It is the result of the collaboration with the designer Luca Papini, who, thanks to his creativity, designed a line capable of catching the attention of the public, creating pleasant and comfortable environments even outside the home. We also launched a new multi-functional wall mounted console, made of MULTILAYER LAMINATE, equipped with water dispenser, soap dispenser and hand dryer, controlled with infrared sensors, which completes the 4all series with a more compact design. We add to our range of products the new anti-limescale water conditioners and antibacterial taps equipped with the SANIJET antisplash antibacterical nozzle.
The travel limitations have recently prevented us from maintaining the pace of our intense commercial activity, but this pushed us towards the development of new channels such as digital marketing, webinars and the use of technology in general to keep us connected with our customers and potential partners. This year, we want to resume our face-to-face commercial activity: we will be present in Russia at the Aquatherm fair, then in Milan at the MCE fair (Mostra Convegno Expocomfort) and finally we will also be at the Cersaie fair in Bologna. In addition, we will continue to participate in webinars for designers, engineers and architects, which allow us to give visibility to the brand and train the participants on public and commercial bathrooms and professional kitchens. Our technical promoter will continue to be available to solve any request and give useful advice to facilitate your work. Furthermore, you will find on our website the BIMs of our products, that make the design process even easier. You can already see the new restyling of the website, much more intuitive and user friendly, full of useful information and news; moreover, on the homepage you can find the corporate video, which allows you to enter into our manufacture and to see who we are firsthand.
Riccardo Poletti
Sales and marketing director
