The Tourist Village Orizzonte is situated in a privileged location, just a few meters from the clear waters of the Gulf of Follonica and immersed in the greenery of the Tuscan Coast. This place, characterized by the fresh sea breeze of the Etruscan Coast and the scents of the Mediterranean scrub of the upper Maremma, offers a variety of services, including apartments of various sizes, swimming pools, sports fields, and other recreational facilities. To further enhance the experience of its guests, the village has decided to undertake a project to renovate the communal bathrooms.

After a careful evaluation of the available options, the management of the Orizzonte Village chose Idral’s MINIMAL series timed basin taps with push-button control for the bathroom renovation. 

This intervention not only enhances the aesthetic aspect of the bathrooms but also improves their usability, meeting the needs of a diverse and comfort-conscious audience. The renovation of the communal bathrooms at the Orizzonte Village has brought numerous benefits:

  • Reduction in Water Consumption: Thanks to the flow limiter and timed shut-off, water consumption has been significantly reduced, contributing to more sustainable resource management.
  • Improvement in Hygiene: Timed taps reduce direct contact, limiting the spread of germs and bacteria, and improving the overall hygiene of the bathrooms.
  • Guest Satisfaction: Guests appreciated the modern design and functionality of the new taps, which enhanced their overall experience during their stay.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: The quality and reliability of Idral taps reduce maintenance and repair costs.
  • Offering a modern and functional design, Idral’s MINIMAL series timed basin taps represent the perfect synthesis of contemporary aesthetics and practicality. Their elegant design harmoniously blends with the surrounding environment, providing a touch of modernity, while advanced features such as timed shut-off and flow limiter ensure efficiency and sustainability

The renovation project of the communal bathrooms at the Tourist Village Orizzonte has demonstrated how the choice of advanced and sustainable technical solutions, such as Idral’s MINIMAL series timed basin taps, can significantly improve the quality of the services offered. This intervention not only met the guests’ expectations but also contributed to more responsible management of natural resources, in line with the village’s environmental values.

Installed Taps:

MINIMAL series self closing basin tap with push button


  • Push-Button Control: Ease of use for guests of all ages.
  • Timed Shut-Off: Automatically stops after 15 seconds at 3 bar, non-adjustable, ensuring optimized water use.
  • Flow Limiter: Flow limited to 6 l/min, contributing to significant water savings.

Download and Resources

Download the technical data sheet, instructions, catalog, or contact Idral for more information.