What has changed since Covid-19 in the design of public spaces
The Covid-19 pandemic had devastating consequences that changed profoundly people, organizations and in general our way of life. Despite the current situation, the history of past epidemics and crises suggests that possibly the human being is capable of finding new solutions. After all, necessity is the mother of all inventions. Therefore, an essential response to coronavirus is innovation and the construction industry is not an exception. In fact, it is imperative to rethink the design of spaces open to the public, in particular public bathrooms, to comply with contagion control measures.
Rethinking public bathrooms for the new reality
The need to return to a more normal life while respecting all the necessary safety requirements must significantly change the concept of bathrooms. Public health experts, designers, architects and even the WHO have recognized fundamental flaws in the design of current public restrooms that can become an environment where the contagion can spread and they suggest the need for new solutions to face the post-Covid19 reality. The advised innovations for public bathrooms include self-cleaning booths, doors that do not require any contact with the hands, higher cleaning frequency, taps and dispensers with infrared cells. Recent studies show that Covid-19 can survive on a surface for up to nine days at room temperature and therefore the risk of indirect contagion is very high. For this reason, solutions that do not require contact such as electronic taps, basins, dispensers, urinals and flush valves become essential.
Innovation as an answer

At Idral, we care for the needs of our community and we immediately started designing new products that can help meeting these (not so) new needs. The innovations shown in this article are just some of the ideas that we are studying in these days and that can help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
10580, 4ALL Easy-Compact. Multifunctional electronic wall bar
It ‘a complete system that includes tap, dryer, and soap dispenser. All the items are electronically controlled by infrared cells and they have an antibacterial solid surface structure. The user, thanks to this system, is able to sanitize 100% the hands without moving from the basin, avoiding contaminating the bathroom. The internal components of the structure are of the highest quality:

- the support and wall fixing plate is in stainless steel,
- the soap dispenser has a tank with a peristaltic pump and a special santoprene tube that resists to the most aggressive and dense antiseptic soaps or hand sanitizers.
- The air hand dryer is CE certified,
- all electronic parts are designed to ensure maximum safety,
- all sensors have a vandal proof system
- the tap also has an integrated anti-legionella system which prevents the generation of the bacteria in the water.
02582S and 02503/1S, soap and hand sanitizer dispensers with infrared cells
Electronic dispensers with infrared cell for soap or hand sanitizer, made of a corrosion-resistant chromed brass body (according to EN248), extremely easy to install. They have a larger tank for public spaces with high frequency, vandal proof infrared sensors and a pump resistant to aggressive soaps and sanitizers. They are manufactured entirely in our factory, ensuring maximum hygiene.

Idral technical office remains at your disposal for advises and for customizing the products designed to help the community during this hard time.
Di Valerio Lai
Technical Office Manager