Grab rails and aids for the elderly: the importance of hygiene to protect their health



To introduce the topic of grab rails and aids for the elderly, we need to do a brief introduction: right now, the control of the risks of contamination is a priority for everyone, but in particular for health facilities and nursing homes that must protect staff, patients, and seniors. In fact, the elderly are often more vulnerable to infections, from flu to COVID-19, since often they suffer from other illnesses. In addition, seniors living in nursing homes or staying in hospitals tend to have a very close contact with other residents, as well as with the staff, and they spend a lot of time indoors. It is, therefore, desirable to rethink these facilities and in particular their bathrooms, in terms of safety, of course, but also in terms of hygiene.

The bathroom is a particularly dangerous place for the elderly: hard surfaces, small spaces, many edges, and splashes of water that create the ideal conditions for accidents and falls. The solution is to design the bathroom to provide greater safety and – as far as possible – independence, using ergonomic fixtures and taller toilets, which make it easier to sit and stand up, and installing grab rails and aids for the elderly that can help them to move around without risks.

grab rails

But that is not all. When you consider which grab bar or aid to install, it is very important to take into consideration the materials in order to maximize hygiene and safety against cross-contamination. Some very interesting solution are Idral’s aids for the elderly, such as grab rails and shower seats. In fact, many of these sanitary aids are coated with a special material called Rilsan®, which not only increases the durability of the products, but also limits the proliferation of bacteria. Rilsan® limits the development of germs because it contains an antimicrobial agent that reduces the risk of contamination and the growth of microorganisms on the surface of the aids.

Accurate tests have shown that with this material, bacterial contamination is reduced by 99.99% after 24 hours’ contact with the treated surface, lowering the likelihood of cross-contamination. In addition, thanks to the smooth and resistant surface and our ergonomic design, our sanitary aids for the elderly are particularly easy to clean and maintain the ideal conditions of hygiene and safety.
