From the ideation of the tap to the design of the public bathroom



Each new commercial and public restroom project has its own unique characteristics and specific challenges. This is why at Idral we believe it is important to share our vision on the design of our taps and above all to provide useful tools to simplify the design processes of these spaces.

The meaning of design for IDRAL

Designing, beyond the theoretical value of the term, consists in creating concrete objects that are part of our daily life, which shape our habits and our way of relating to the world.

The ” objects ” (deliberately the term used instead of taps) created by Idral represent the culture that the company wants to share and it is mainly based on two cornerstones: each product respects the environment, while the design blend technology and simplicity in a tap with high efficiency. Technology is a fundamental factor in our market and it is an element in which our company firmly believes.

Challenges such as water saving, the use of materials from renewable sources, energy optimization, are a strong incentive for us to improve even more our solutions to face a manufacturing ecosystem that goes towards sustainable ideas.

Research and development represent an opportunity in Idral with the aim of giving solutions designed to be part of the user’s everyday life. An example is the current situation that opened the way for the ” no-touch ” era in public spaces, changing the way we interact with objects to protect our health.

Inspiration for the designer made easier

With this in mind, it is important to consider that user’s needs change in each environment and Idral products are designed to meet the specific expectations of each user. This is why we provide many tools to facilitate the design work of these spaces, saving time and effort.

First of all, we offer the support of a commercial expert who is able to assist the designer at every stage of the process, bringing experience, knowledge and, if required, developing customized solutions for taps and sanitary ware.

In addition, our site contains the BIM files of our products that offer visibility, collaboration and efficiency for the designer’s workflow, accessing the information in the right format without the need of duplicating the data.

Designers who are creating public and commercial spaces can access to advices and inspirations on our site. In fact, there are more than 50 references of projects that include our products, segmented by type of space:

  • Healthcare
  • Tourism and wellness
  • Sport and leisure
  • Restaurants & cafe
  • Education
  • Infrastructure
  • Public buildings
  • Commercial buildings
  • Private Homes

Happy to help! Make an appointment, we will be happy to help you choosing the right taps and sanitary ware for your project. You can contact us by filling this form, by phone at +39 0322 912017 or by email at
