Electronic taps also for domestic use



A person consumes about 300 litres of water every day, and many of these are wasted, leaving the tap open while brushing the teeth, or lathering in the shower, or even while loading the dishwasher.

How can we avoid waste, doing the environment a favour, and significantly reduce the water bill at the same time?

There are already rather well-known and widespread devices such as flow limiters that add air to the water, or the so-called “cool start” mixers that avoid the activation of the boiler when hot water is not strictly necessary. The electronic taps, installed in almost all the public bathrooms, fit perfectly in such a framework.
While this type of modern tap, at first, was a privilege of places such as airports and stations, today there are a number of commercial premises that have installed and use them with satisfaction.

So why not use them in your own home?

These taps guarantee, on average, a water saving of more than 70% compared to a normal tap! In fact, this technology is able to limit waste and use water only for the time necessary for the user, preventing water from flowing unnecessarily when it is not needed.
Taps with infrared sensor are very simple to use: they are activated by approaching the sensor, usually an LED, typically placed below the spout, and the flow stops as soon as you move the hands away from the sensor.
Since during their use it is never necessary to touch the electronic taps, this type of tap is also the best hygienic solution to avoid the contact with dirt residues and bacterial outbreaks, that are generally widespread in places used by thousands of users, and to a lesser extent even in our homes.
In addition, almost all electronic taps are equipped with lithium batteries that, with modern technology, do not require constant maintenance and can last up to seven years. Also, they are equipped with a safety device that interrupts the water supply after a certain period of time even if you inadvertently leave an object in front of the sensor.
For these hygiene, water efficiency and comfort reasons, more and more private users decide to switch to electronic taps, and to make a significant technological leap in the direction of a hi-tech bathroom.
The ideal use is in domestic environments where there are children, elderly people, disabled people, because they are easy to use, and make washing hands or showering a pleasant and relaxing moment, without stress or frustration.

Not only for bathrooms, but also for kitchens

Many electronic taps are being fitted not only in bathrooms, but also in kitchens, as they offer the advantage of not having to touch the handle of the tap to open and close the water with dirty hands while you are struggling with the preparation of more or less elaborate recipes: just bring your hand to the sensor to get the water flow.
Of course, the prices of electronic taps are slightly higher than the traditional low-mid range taps, but if you think about the savings on bills, they can be much more advantageous.
Electronics applied to the mechanics of the tap allows to increase quality, reliability and efficiency, ensuring a continuous and safe use over time.
The fittings revolution has already started many years ago, but in the last few years it has become commonplace, because awareness of waste has become part of everyone’s conscience, for a more informed use of the resources of our planet. For an innovative and ecological choice, electronic taps seem the right combination of modernity and care for the future.
