Campsites with a "green" perspective

Today, going camping is the perfect holidays choice for many people: families with children or with pets, couples who love being in contact with nature but don’t want to give up basic comforts, travelers who choose solutions that are cheaper than hotels, tourists who prefer to stay in green areas away from the chaos of the city, etc… Indeed, by now, many campsites are not only  green areas next to the sea, or the lake, or a pine forest, but they are full equipped holiday facilities, that offer restaurants,  bars, swimming pools, playgrounds for children, common areas equipped with bathrooms, showers and sinks where campers can shower, use the bathrooms, or wash their clothes. All perfectly integrated into nature.

Therefore, there is the need to offer a service that is comfortable and at the same time eco-friendly towards the consumption of water and energy.

Sustainable measures adopted by the campsites are promoted on many websites, stating, for example, that “Nature is an integral part of our idea of ​​a holiday experience. This is why we respect it…” or “A green vision that has always belonged to us and goes in the direction of a better future for everyone…”.

The campsites advertise a series of sustainable actions and behaviors to protect our natural heritage: from water management policies to recycling, through the construction of buildings designed for energy saving with eco-sustainable materials. Often campsites invest in projects for the local community, cooperating with the Municipalities, with the aim of minimizing the environmental impact.

And this choice of circular economy, which campsites embrace to satisfy their eco-friendly guests, leads them to make choices towards water and energy saving.  At Idral, we can help in this direction, thanks , for example to our timed taps that reduce water waste, “educate” the users to a conscious water use by limiting shower time and avoiding misuse and unnecessary openings, which could happen with traditional taps.

In short, the guest uses only the water strictly necessary and adopts a green behavior.

Saving water is no longer just an economic concept but increasingly a deeply felt environmental issue.

Idral offers several different solutions for any type of public facility where water control and saving is required.

Timed and electronic taps are certainly two solutions that satisfy these needs.

And solar showers with timed controls guarantee comfort and at the same time they work with little water and without wasting energy, using solar energy to heat it.

by Manuela Capra

Sales Coordinator Italy

Some recommended products for camp sites.