Water is a fundamental part of our lives; this precious element has a direct impact on our well-being and on our tapware and fitting life.
But what kind of water should we look for our water system?
The answer to this question is quite simple, there are two Norms that define the type of water systems and the quality of the water that we should consider.
They are respectively the UNI 8065 of 06/1989 and the DM of June 26, 2015 known as the “Minimum Requirements Laws”.
The UNI 8065: 1989 establishes the chemical-physical parameters of the water in hydraulic systems for civil use at:
Appearance: clear
pH: greater than 7
Iron (as Fe): <0.5 mg / kg
Copper (as Cu): <0.1 mg / kg
Hardness: 15 ° F
Furthermore, depending on the size of the system, they force or recommend the filtration; but to be able to deal with it we must know what kind of water we have. Hence the second question:
What does come from the pipeline?
All water systems are required by the ISO 22000 quality standards to periodically check, record and publish the “technical sheet” of the water supplied. We can easily find these data on the Internet or by calling for assistance in the area.
With these data we can choose our treatments so that our tapware will have the maximum endurance and performance.
Certificate of Quality for the Water Distributed in Gargallo (Italy) in the second half of 2018
What should we do to treat water in the best possible way and guarantee not only energy savings but also a long life for our taps and water system?
In this chapter we present a practical example. In the table “Quality table of the Water distributed in the town of Gargallo in the 2nd half of 2018” appears the type of water administered in Gargallo.
Our benchmarks are:
Conductivity: The electrical conductivity provides an indirect measure of the concentration of the substances dissolved in the water and consequently the salinity of it.
Hardness: Hardness refers mainly to the content of calcium and magnesium salts.
From the data in the table below we could easily understand that inside our pipes there is a rather acid water, which in the medium to long term could lead to corrosion or hardening of the fittings of the pipes and of the taps.
To prevent the expensive consequences of this problem, we recommend to add a filter and a water softener to reduce the risk of corrosion; this will guarantee a long and happy life for our taps and fittings.