Our vision for 2021: Facing the future with resolution, innovation and creativity



futuro 2021

In 2020, the world faced an unprecedented and challenging situation, which unfortunately is not over yet. Today insights make us feel hopeful for the future, but the reality is that Covid-19 is still an element we deal with every day. It is useless to deny it, we were very frightened by the loss of turnover of our companies, but it is also true that the crisis has stimulated our ability to react and has put us to the test: moments like these are the opportunities in which strategies are born and progress is made thanks to creativity. This change generated a challenge and pushed us to overcome it.

Facing the emergency, businesses are forced to think about priorities: having fewer resources, they are forced to optimize them to obtain the best results.

Precisely for this reason, Idral has become part of the Industry 4.0 phenomenon, and we continue to invest to optimize the production processes: in 2020 we began to trace the path for our lean manufacturing that will continue in 2021 with the implementation of new processes that will allow us to improve further our performance and agility towards the market.

In 2021, we expect a world market still with major struggles and restrictions. The pandemic has changed social dynamics, has made digitization grow and has revolutionized the approach to strengthen the relationships that are the basis of every economic activity.

New perspectives will arise in the world, with public support for eco-friendly solutions, like in Italy where the government launched some tax relieves to replace old equipment with low consumption sanitary wares and taps that will help support our sector. In this regard, Idral has been ready for several years: since 2014 we have joined the Water Label, now called “EUROPEANWATERLABEL”, or the European Association for Energy and Water Saving. Therefore, we have a wide range of products that comply with the regulations.

Our projects for 2021

In 2021, we have a full schedule of activities, some of which were already started last year:

  • In 2020 Idral turned 50. Unfortunately, the situation did not allow us to organize an event to let our customers know about the developments we have had over the years and what we have become: a high-tech Italian manufacture company, and also a flagship for sanitary wares and taps for public spaces. Continuous investments make us ready to face the market changes, thanks also to a very flexible production cycle. Besides, we do not apply the concept of innovation only to the functionality of the products, but also to technology, design, the search for materials, production processes and eco-friendly solutions.
  • Idral will launch new design infrared taps, respecting with our philosophy of water saving and hygiene, which is particularly relevant at the moment. We will present a new revolutionary built-in system that will allow giving free choice to the type of tap to be used at a later time.
  • We will enhance the support project for designers through our technical promoter who, in addition to visiting and informing about the various solutions available, is able to carry out inspections, develop specifications, suggest solutions, and resolve any problems found during the execution of the project.
  • Our marketing team will publish our new Portrait (Corporate image brochure), which will show the potential of Idral, and it will present a series of solutions through the best references of health and hospitality facilities in the world, always with a focus on water saving and hygiene.
  • We will make up for the lack of trade fairs with the strengthening of digital marketing to bring the greatest number of information to our public. We will also be speakers in several webinars, and we will develop our database implementing BIM files.

We wish you an excellent 2021, and we are always at your service for any questions or concerns relating to our field of expertise.

By Riccardo Poletti

Head of Sales & Marketing
